Bainbridge Community

United Church of Christ 

Inclusive. Free Thinking. Progressive Theology.

The Values of a Unique Faith Community


We are a congregation welcome to all of Humanity looking to connect to God and others through the ministry of Jesus Christ. When we say all, we mean it. It doesn't matter if you are a non-conforming Latinx, a straight black woman, a white gay man, or you're just done with labels and want to only be called Sam, you are welcome here.

Free Thinking

We are a church that acknowledges we each interpret and understand God differently. Therefore, no one is expected to agree with each other, or force anyone to agree with them.

Progressive Theology

We hold in common that God is still speaking, calling us to understand the world around us and each other in new and exciting ways.

Download Our App

Use the QR code or press the button to the left to download our Church App for Android or iPhones. On the app you'll find:


Service To Others Always

We are an engaged church, passionate about serving our community through partnership with social service agencies.

The end of each month is Mission Sunday. We meet in the Social Hall of the Church and do or learn about a mission project in place of the Reflection and Sermon. This month we are supporting Church World Service's Welcome Backpack project. We are partnering with Valley Presbyterian in this important work. The church app has an updated list of what items we need for each project. Past, projects include hygiene kits for Disaster Relief and Geauga Job Family Services, and Mission Advent (gathering food and toiletries all Christmas Season).  

Currently, our church is actively involved in work with:

We also support the five Impact-focused collections for our denomination, the United Church of Christ. These collections support ministries at home and abroad with a range of services like Refugee Support, Disaster Relief, and International Development.

God calls us all. Genesis 12:2 "And I will bless you so that you will be a blessing." 


Advocacy is What Jesus Would Do

The quest for social justice is an essential part of Gospel Ministry. Every spring and fall we coordinate with other congregations, non-profits, and advocacy groups to educate and activate the public. Check our News Feed and calendar for more info. If you would like to help please join the Rally Group Chat in our app. Previous partners include:

Honesty in Ohio Education

SOGI Geauga

League of Women Voters

Weekly Worship to Calm the Soul 

and Open the Mind

We welcome you to join us every Sunday at 10:45 a.m. in our historic worship center or online via YouTube. All are truly welcome. 

Our worship service is flexible: we are always experimenting and tweaking as we strive to create space for each person to connect with the Spirit in their own way through scripture, reflection, prayer, music, and silence. For a detailed breakdown of a typical service, please see the Order of Service drop down below. There are shorter pews available for folks to sit with loved ones with wheelchairs or walkers.  

Mission Sunday

The last Sunday of every month is Mission Sunday. We meet in the Social Hall of the Church and do or learn about a mission project in place of reflection and sermon. In the past we have projects for Disaster Relief, Geauga Jobs and Family Services, and the Geauga Veterans Food Bank. Projects change every month so keep an eye out in our church app for updated details.

Children in Worship

Children begin each service in the worship space and may choose to sit with their families or other children at our art table by the entrance. A the "Children's Moment" all children are welcome to come forward for a special sermon time. Kids (ages 5-12) are invited to go to Sunday School. Our Sunday School programming is offered from September through May each year. Children 4 and under are welcome to stay in worship. No one minds them sharing their joys (happy noises) or sorrows (the other noises) with the rest of the congregation. If it proves to be distracting for parents they are welcome to take their little ones to the lobby, social hall, or nursery where parents can still listen in through our sound system. We can also arrange for nursery care upon request!

Order of Service - What to Expect and Why

Most weeks following this basic pattern:

Music letting people know the service is about to start so they can find a seat and settle in.

The Pastor welcomes the congregation to worship.

Opening Meditation
A piece of music played or sung by the choir to help people prepare themselves for worship.

Call to Worship
A responsive reading for those gathered to announce why they have come. It also invites people into the worship theme for the day. Anyone able is invited to stand.

Opening Prayer
Prayer of Invocation: A prayer read from the bulletin that requests God's Presence in our worship. It allows us to begin open our hearts and minds to the unique message of the day.

Song of Praise
We sing a short piece of music glorifying God as liberator of humanity.

Passing the Peace
This part of the service reminds us we engage in prayer and praise not just for ourselves but to engage with others. We greet others with the words, "The peace of Christ be with you." The response is most often, "And also with you." This time draws to an end as music begins softly playing and people return to their seats.

Hymn sung by congregation
The song will most likely be in the hymnal (song book) and the hymn number will be in the bulletin and the words will also be projected on the screen.

Reflection Scripture
The worship leader reads a passage from the Bible


The worship leader offers a short reflection on the passage. These are thematically linked with the Sermon.

Moment of Meditation

A time of reflection listening to a special musical performance from a member or a contemplative video.

Responsive Reading
Typically a Psalm or Ode of Solomon, this time gives the congregation another opportunity to participate fully in worship.

Focus Scripture or Text
A writing read by the Pastor the service draws it theme from and provides the seed of wisdom the sermon expounds on. Typically it will be a selection from the Bible, but other Christian writings pop-up from time to time. 

A Time for the Young at Heart
Children 12 and under are invited to come to the front of the worship space (if they would like) for a lesson just for them. After this, children are allowed to go off to Sunday School. 

This is the Pastor's message for the week. It can take many forms but the general goal is to connect the message from the reading with our lives today in meaningful ways. You can hear many archived sermons by visiting the YouTube channel.

Hymn sung by the congregation
The song will most likely be in the hymnal (song book) and the hymn number will be in the bulletin and the words will also be projected on the screen.

Prayers of the Community
This is an opportunity for members of the community to share their prayer requests with the pastor and the whole congregation. Feel free to speak up and share a prayer request of your own if you would like.

Pastoral Prayer
Prayer spoken by the Pastor drawing from what the community shares and the sermon theme.

Lord's Prayer
The prayer taken from Jesus' Sermon on the Mount as recorded in Matthew chapter 6. It is spoken in unison, printed in the bulletin and projected on the screen.

This only happens on the first Sunday of each month and on special occasions. There are detailed instructions in the bulletin and projected at the front. You can participate if you would like or pass if you prefer. It is open. You are welcome. But it is not mandatory if you are not comfortable.

Call to Offering
This is the announcement that we will be taking the collection from the congregation. This is where the church gets its funding to support our vital ministries and mission work.

Song of Thanks
A brief song thanking God. People rise as we begin to sing.

Hymn sung by the congregation
The song will most likely be in the hymnal (song book) and the hymn number will be in the bulletin and the words will also be projected on the screen.

Commission to Ministry
The pastor empowers attendees to carry the ministry of Jesus out into the world.

Music playing while people leave the worship space. The Pastor and the member who served as "Worship Leader" or "Liturgist" will be at the door to the worship space to greet folks as they leave. At this point there is usually coffee and/or snacks in the Gathering Area or Fellowship Hall for people to have while they are chatting and catching up.

Contacts us

You can find us in real life at:

17751 Chillicothe Rd, Chagrin Falls, OH 44023

Call us at: (440) 543-5117

Or follow us on social media 

(we are growing our presence. If you have content suggestions, please let us know.)


Building Usage for Outside Groups

Open to the Community

Bainbridge Community UCC's building is a resource for all responsible people in our community to use. If you are looking for a place to gather folks together we would happy to host you. Please contact with questions or to submit your completed Building Request Form (first three pages of packet).

Non-Profit Community Events and Gatherings

If you are a non-profit, civic, or community group we are more than happy to negotiate on pricing.

General Usage

-Social Hall, $200 for 3 hours, $25 for each additional hour 

-Foyer, $50. 

-Classroom(s), $40. 

Additional custodial fees will be charged if rooms are not left clean.


-$500. for use of church in addition to pastor and organist 

-$400. for social hall only 

-Pastor $250. 

-Organist $200

Both Pastor and Organist have right of first refusal.